Building Materials Buying For Developers

Many builders and developers are choosing to outsource their building materials procurement, but why?

To save time and save money…is the short answer. But here we dig a bit deeper to explain how our procurement service provides cost savings, improves reliability, mitigates supply risks and ensures compliance for our customers.

Cost Savings

Outsourcing procurement allows builders and developers to leverage the expertise and purchasing power of specialist procurement firms or suppliers. We have established relationships with suppliers and can negotiate favourable pricing, volume discounts and bulk purchasing arrangements. This results in cost savings and better overall value for the builder or developer.

Time & Resource Efficiency

Managing the procurement process internally can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. It involves tasks such as identifying suppliers, obtaining quotes, negotiating contracts, tracking orders, coordinating deliveries, and managing inventory. By outsourcing these activities to us, builders and developers free up their internal resources to focus on core competencies, such as project management and construction, leading to improved operational efficiency.

Expertise & Industry Knowledge

Building materials procurement is a specialist field that requires knowledge of various products, suppliers, and market trends. Outsourcing to our procurement professionals who work day in, day out in the construction industry ensures consistency is service, cost and delivery. We know the current trends, recommend the most suitable materials, suggest alternatives, and keep up with the latest industry advancements, helping builders and developers make informed decisions.

Supplier Network & Reliability

Procurement companies like us have extensive networks of reliable suppliers and manufacturers. We establish these relationships and vet these suppliers for quality, reliability, and adherence to industry standards. By outsourcing procurement, builders and developers can tap into our network and gain access to a wider range of reliable suppliers, reducing the risk of delays, quality issues, or substandard materials.

Risk Mitigation

Building projects involve inherent risks, such as supplier delays, quality issues, or changes in material availability. Procurement outsourcing helps mitigate these risks by leveraging our market knowledge and supply network. We proactively monitor suppliers, manage potential risks, and implement contingency plans to ensure timely and uninterrupted supply of materials, reducing project risks and potential financial losses.

Scalability & Flexibility

Outsourcing procurement offers builders and developers scalability and flexibility. They can quickly adapt to changing project requirements, fluctuating demand, or market conditions by tapping into our resources. This agility can be particularly beneficial for large-scale projects or those with dynamic material requirements.

Compliance & Regulations

Building materials procurement involves compliance with various regulations, codes, and standards. We are well-versed in these requirements and can ensure that materials meet the necessary standards and certifications. This helps builders and developers adhere to legal and regulatory obligations, reducing the risk of non-compliance issues or project delays.


While outsourcing procurement offers numerous benefits, builders and developers should carefully evaluate potential partners or suppliers, ensuring they have a proven track record, industry experience, and a strong reputation. We encourage interested parties to speak with our current customers to hear about how our service has saved them time, materials spend and improved their ability to focus on the overall project management of their developments rather than being bogged down in daily materials supply issues.

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